pip install pandas
pip install batemaneq
$ pip install plotly
$ pip install ipywidgets
$ jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly
There are three chains, with these link sequences:
1 → 3
1 → 4 → 5
2 → 6
Although the links 5 and 6 have same branching ratio for one decay of Tc-99, they have
different branching ratios for one decay of Mo-99, and will
be traversed at different times. The API returns one line for each link, including these chain-related
If you are not interested in coding, or how the API works, you can just execute the cells with code ([1] and [2]), and go to the examples in the following cells:
decay chain plotting[4]
decay radiations Energy vs. Intensity [5]
decay chain analysis link by link[6]
bateman solution, summing over all the chains[7]
radiation intensities grouped by parent, summing over all the chains[8]
radiation intensities grouped by daughter, summing over all the chainsCall the api with fields=decay_chain and nuclides=99mo as below
idx | ancestor_idxs | ancestor_full_ids | par_full_id | par_nucid | par_lev | par_z | par_a | par_energy | par_energy_shift | ... | dau_energy | dec_type | par_half_life | par_half_life_unc | dau_half_life | dau_half_life_unc | chain_br | chain_br_unc | decay_br | decay_br_unc | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 99MO_0 | 99MO_0 | 99MO | 0 | 42 | 99 | 0.0000 | NaN | ... | 142.6836 | B- | 2.373264e+05 | 2.160000e+01 | 2.162592e+04 | 3.240000e+00 | 0.877800 | 0.004090 | 0.877800 | 0.004090 |
1 | 2 | 0 | 99MO_0 | 99MO_0 | 99MO | 0 | 42 | 99 | 0.0000 | NaN | ... | 0.0000 | B- | 2.373264e+05 | 2.160000e+01 | 6.661667e+12 | 3.786831e+10 | 0.122200 | 0.004090 | 0.122200 | 0.004090 |
2 | 3 | 0 1 | 99MO_0 99TC_2 | 99TC_2 | 99TC | 2 | 43 | 99 | 142.6836 | NaN | ... | 0.0000 | B- | 2.162592e+04 | 3.240000e+00 | -1.000000e+00 | 0.000000e+00 | 0.000032 | 0.000005 | 0.000037 | 0.000006 |
3 | 4 | 0 1 | 99MO_0 99TC_2 | 99TC_2 | 99TC | 2 | 43 | 99 | 142.6836 | NaN | ... | 0.0000 | IT | 2.162592e+04 | 3.240000e+00 | 6.661667e+12 | 3.786831e+10 | 0.877770 | 0.004090 | 0.999963 | 0.000006 |
4 | 5 | 0 1 4 | 99MO_0 99TC_2 99TC_0 | 99TC_0 | 99TC | 0 | 43 | 99 | 0.0000 | NaN | ... | 0.0000 | B- | 6.661667e+12 | 3.786831e+10 | -1.000000e+00 | 0.000000e+00 | 0.877770 | 0.004090 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
5 | 6 | 0 2 | 99MO_0 99TC_0 | 99TC_0 | 99TC | 0 | 43 | 99 | 0.0000 | NaN | ... | 0.0000 | B- | 6.661667e+12 | 3.786831e+10 | -1.000000e+00 | 0.000000e+00 | 0.122200 | 0.004090 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 |
Each line describes one of the links in the picture above:
idx is a unique identifier of the row
par_lev is the sequential number of the level in the ENSDF database: 0 for the
Ground State, >0 for a metastable state
par_energy gives the energy of the state: 0 for the Ground State, >0 for a
metastable state
par_full_id concatenates the par_nucid and par_lev fields, giving a unique id
for the state
par_energy_shift is 1 if the level energy has an unknown shift ('+X' in the
ENSDF evaluation ). This is the case for Pa-234m in the U-238 chain.
dau_* fields refer to the daughter, with similar meaning as the ones for the parent
chain_br gives the probability of this link being traversed for one decay of the ancestor
decay_br gives the probability of this parent-daughter decay per one decay of the parent
ancestor_full_ids lists all the ancestors leading to this link
ancestor_idxs lists the ids of the previous links. It is the field that allows to find the other
links of the decay chain
For the full documentation of the API, check its guide
The main objective is to show how to use the ancestor_idxs field to reconstruct the decay chain, and to proper calculate branching ratios, nuclides' population, and radiation intensities. It will be show how to link these API with the overall set of API already available
External software
• batemaneq, to solve the bateman equation, needs
to be installed
• The code for decay chain plotting is adapted from
The first set of functions below is just convenience for plotting, then there is a set of parameters to
customise the analysis.
Then starts the code that does the job.
In the case of Mo-99, Ru-99 is reached by three different chains. If one wants to have, for example, the
overall build-up of Ru99, or the intensity of the radiation emitted, one must sum the contribution of each
For this purpose, the function fill_storage
is called each time a nuclide is reached; it sums
and saves the relevant quantities in a dictionary. There are two storages, one summing by daughter, and
one summing by parent. The latter
allows to tell how much radiation is emitted by, e.g., the decay of Tc-99 vs Tc-99m.
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd
from batemaneq import bateman_parent
from math import log as ln
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from decimal import Decimal
import re
import sys
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# remember if plotly is loaded
# if not, use matplotlib
PLOTLY = False
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10,4)
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# API call, returns a pandas dataframe
def lc_pd_dataframe(url):
livechart = "https://nds.iaea.org/relnsd/v1/data?"
url = livechart + url
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0')
return pd.read_csv(urllib.request.urlopen(req))
return pd.DataFrame()
# label for time units
def time_label(delta_t):
return 'Centuries' if delta_t == centuries else 'Years' if delta_t == years else'Months' if delta_t == months else 'Days' if delta_t == days else 'Hours' if delta_t == hours else 'Minutes'
# Format chain info
def chain_desc(row):
ret = ( row['ancestor_full_ids'].replace('_0','').replace(' ', ' -> ') +' -> '+row['dau_full_id'].replace('_0','') + '\tBranching ratio ' + str(row['chain_br']))
ret = re.sub('_+[\d]+', 'm', ret)
return ret
# labels for plotly
def display_fig(fig, title, xlabel,ylabel):
return fig
def plotly_matplotlib(x, y, dau, anc, par, par_half_life, delta_t, rad_type, energy):
Generates a plot, with Plotly if present, or with matplotlib
x, y are the lists with plottled values, the rest is for labelling
if(energy == 0): return None
h_l = "{:.2E}".format(Decimal(str(par_half_life)))
y_label = "Counts per 100 decays of " + anc.split(' ')[0].replace('_0','').replace('_2','m')
rad = 'gamma' if rad_type == 'g' else 'alpha' if rad_type == 'a' else 'radiation'
rad = rad_type
title = " " + par + " --> " + dau + ", " + rad + "@" + str(energy) +" keV T1/2 [s] " + h_l
x_label = time_label(delta_t)
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode="lines"))
fig.update_layout( title=title)
return fig
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.title(title,fontsize = 20)
#fig1 = plt.gcf()
#fig1.savefig(anc + ".svg" , format="svg")
return plt
# from seconds to years, for the bateman solver
to_years = 1.0/365/60/3600
# conversion from years, for plotting
centuries = 0.001
years = 1.
months = 12.
days = 365.
hours = 365.*24.
minutes = 365.*24.*60
seconds = 365.*24.*60*60
# parameters that can be overwritten case by case
# for plotting, choose a suitable delta time (e.g. months for U-238, hours or minutes for Mo-99)
delta_t = hours
tot_intervals = 40
# cut-off for irrelevant decay chains
branching_ratio_threshold = "1.E-9"
# radiation type to be analysed
radiation_type = 'g'
# radiation energy-range of interest (keV)
energy_low = 0
energy_up = 10000
# store the results in case of further use
# intensities summed by parent
#storage = {}
# intensities summed by daughter
#storage_by_dau = {}
def fill_storage(full_id, intensity, bateman, energy, storage):
Fills a dictionary with nuclides' population and timeline of
the main radiation, summed over all the chains
{'238U_0': {'intensities': [...],
'bateman': [...],
'energy': ...},
'times': [...]
'energy' is the energy of the radiation,
'intensities' is the intensity timeline of the radiation per 1 decay of the head of the chain
'bateman' is the population timeline of the given nuclide per 1 decay of the head of the chain
'times' are the times at which the values are taken.
Then 'intensities', 'bateman', and 'times' are lists with the same length
full_id: str
full id of the nuclide_level e.g 99TC_2, where 2 is the sequential number of the level (0 for GS)
intensity: list
intensity timeline of the radiation in this chain
bateman: list
population timeline of the given nuclide in this chain
energy: float
the energy of the radiation
storage: dictionary
the 'parents' or 'daughter' dictionary to be filled
# sum over the other chains if the storage is not empty
if(full_id in storage):
storage[full_id]['intensities'] = [x+y for x,y in zip(intensity, storage[full_id]['intensities'] )] if not (intensity is None) else storage[full_id]['intensities']
storage[full_id]['bateman'] = [x + y for x,y in zip(bateman, storage[full_id]['bateman'] )]
# if it is the first chain, create
else :
storage[full_id] = {}
storage[full_id]['intensities'] = intensity if not (intensity is None) else [0 for i in range(len(bateman)) ]
storage[full_id]['bateman'] = [x for x in bateman]
storage[full_id]['energy'] = energy
return storage
def most_intense_rad(par_nucid, par_energy, dau_z):
intensity and energy of the most intense line of 'radiation_type'
par_nucid: str
nucid of the parent of the decay, e.g. 99MO
par_energy: float
energy of the parent level that decays ( 0. for ground state)
dau_z: int
z of the daughter of the decay
Global parameters
radiation_type: type of the radiation, one of 'a','g','x','bp','bm'
energy_low, energy_up: energy range of the radiation
list: [intensity, energy]
df_rad = lc_pd_dataframe('fields=decay_rads&nuclides='+ par_nucid +'&rad_types='+radiation_type)
if(df_rad.empty): return [0,0]
df_rad = df_rad.query('p_energy==' + str(par_energy))
df_rad = df_rad.query('d_z==' + str(dau_z)).query('energy >' + str(energy_low)).query('energy <' + str(energy_up))
df_rad = df_rad.sort_values(by='intensity', ascending=False).dropna(subset=['intensity'])
if(df_rad.empty): return [0,0]
return [df_rad.iloc[0]['intensity'], df_rad.iloc[0]['energy']]
def bateman_timeline(half_lives, delta_t, tot_intervals, chain_br):
Nuclides' population timeline on a given chain
Uses https://pypi.org/project/batemaneq/ to solve the equation
half_lives: list
the list with the half_lives (in years) of the nuclides composing the chain
delta_t: float
the time lapse between two calculation (seconds, minutes, ... , centuries expressed in years)
tot_intervals: int
how many times slices are calculated
chain_br; float
the normaization (the overall branching ratio of the chain )
A matrix where each row is the time evolution of a nuclide
The values are normalised to the overall branching ratio of the chain
times = list(range(tot_intervals))
bateman = []
# [nuc[0]t[0] , ..., nuc[n]t[0]
# [...]
# [nuc[0]t[end] , ..., nuc[n]t[end]]
for i in range(tot_intervals):
bmp = bateman_parent([ln(2)/x for x in half_lives], i/delta_t)
bmp = [chain_br*x for x in bmp]
# transpose
# nuc[0]t[0] , ..., nuc[0]t[end]
# ...
# nuc[n]t[0] , ..., nuc[n]t[end]
return {'bateman': list(map(list, zip(*bateman))) , 'times':times}
def chain_ends(df_all, end_full_id = None):
All the possible decays having as daughter the given nuclide
df_all: pandas dataframe
API data
full_id: str
full id of the daughter nuclide e.g. 99TC_0, or None is the stable end of the chain
The dataframe with only the dacys leading to the considered daughter
if(end_full_id != None):
df_ends = df_all.query('dau_full_id=="'+ end_full_id +'"')
if(df_ends.empty): print('Daughter ' + end_full_id + ' not found in the chain')
# take the end links (stable daughter)
df_ends = df_all.query("dau_half_life==-1")
df_ends = df_all.query("float(dau_half_life)==-1")
df_ends = df_all.query("dau_half_life=='-1'")
print(' No stable nuclides at the chain-end for ' + start_nucid)
return df_ends
def process_nuclide(start_nucid, plot, storage, storage_by_dau, end_full_id = None):
Given a nuclide, follows its decay chain and the emitted radiations.
The population timeline for each chain is calculated, as well as the sum
over all chains.
The the timeline of most intense radiation for each decay is calculated.
Intensities are also grouped and summed by daughter (when a nuclide
is reached by different chains), to construct the observed intensity timeline.
WARNING: the sum assumes that when a nuclides is reached by different chains,
the energy of the most intense radiation is the same. This might not be always
the case.
For example, the Mo99 reached Ru99 from two chains, both emitting 89.6 keV photon.
But in the U238 chain Tl206 can be reached from Hg206 and Bi210, with different
main energies. One needs to modify this function to take this into consideration
Quantities named br (branching ratio) are normalised per 1 decay of the 1st nuclide
intensity are normalised per 100 decays of the 1st nuclide
start_nucid: str
the ancestor, e.g. 99MO
plot: bool
whether to plot the intensities
storage: dictionary
data structure grouping data by parent, filled in fill_storage
storage: dictionary
data structure grouping data by daughter, filled in fill_storage
end_full_id: str
nuclide+level until which the chain is followed, e.g. 99TC_2
None, to reach the stable nuclide
# df with all decays (links) in all chains
df_all = lc_pd_dataframe('fields=decay_chain&nuclides=' + start_nucid)
print(' No data for ' + start_nucid)
# filter the links (decays) leading to the selected daughter (or the stable at the end),
# each of them is from a different chain.
df_ends = chain_ends(df_all, end_full_id)
if(df_ends.empty): return
df_ends.sort_values(by='chain_br', ascending=False)
# check the accuracy: the sum of the end links branching ratios should be 1
# (actually only for a nuclide included in all chains)
print("Normalization check", df_ends['chain_br'].sum(),'\n')
print(len(df_ends.index), ('chains' if len(df_ends.index) > 1 else 'chain'))
for index, row in df_ends.iterrows(): print("*", chain_desc(row))
# if a branching ratio threshold is given, remove chains below that treshold
df_ends = df_ends.query("chain_br>" + branching_ratio_threshold).sort_values(by='chain_br',ascending=False)
# loop over the decays leading to the end nuclide
for index, link in df_ends.iterrows():
# get all the links composing the chain.
# construct the filter:
# this link (the chain-end):
qry = 'idx==' + str(link['idx'])
# add all the previous ones. the 'ancestor_idxs' fields has the indexes
ancestors = link['ancestor_idxs'].split(' ')
for p in ancestors: qry = "idx=="+p if qry == '' else qry + ' | ' + "idx=="+p
# df_links contains the decays of this chain, up to 'link'
df_links = df_all.query(qry).sort_values(by='idx')
# the list with the Half-lives of the parents in this chain (converted from seconds to years)
half_lives = [ float(x) * to_years for x in df_links['par_half_life'].to_list()]
# add the h-l of the last daughter
dau_hl = (link['dau_half_life'] if link['dau_half_life'] != -1 else float("inf")) * to_years
# the matrix with nuclides' population timeline. Each row has the timeline for a nuclide
b_tl = bateman_timeline(half_lives, delta_t, tot_intervals, link['chain_br'])
# for each decay, get energy and intensity of the most intense radiation (of type 'radiation_type')
# the intensity is pre 100 decays of the parent, and will need renormalization
intensities_energies = [most_intense_rad(x, y, z) for x, y, z in df_links[['par_nucid', 'par_energy', 'dau_z']].to_numpy() ]
# re-normalise the intensities using the population of the parent, stored in btl
n_intensities = [ [x*b for b in b_tl['bateman'][idx]] for idx, x in enumerate([row[0] for row in intensities_energies ])]
# for each link (parent-daughter decay) plot the timeline of the most intense line,
# then sum the timelines
# these are just for labels
d_fid = df_links['dau_full_id'].tolist()
a_fid = df_links['ancestor_full_ids'].tolist()
p_fid = df_links['par_full_id'].tolist()
# loop on each link. row[1] is the energy of the radiation emitted
for i, e in enumerate([row[1] for row in intensities_energies]):
if(plot): plotly_matplotlib(b_tl['times'], n_intensities[i], d_fid[i],a_fid[i],p_fid[i] , half_lives[i], delta_t, radiation_type, e)
# sum and save the intensities grouping by daughter
fill_storage(p_fid[i], n_intensities[i], b_tl['bateman'][i], e, storage)
fill_storage(d_fid[i], n_intensities[i], b_tl['bateman'][i], e, storage_by_dau)
fill_storage(d_fid[-1], None, b_tl['bateman'][-1], 0, storage)
storage['times'] = b_tl['times']
Here below the code that adapts software from radioactivedecay and plots decay chains. Just execute the cell and go to the next to test it
from collections import deque
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import matplotlib
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
def check_fig_axes( # type: ignore
fig_in: Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure],
axes_in: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes],
) -> Tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes]:
if fig_in is None and axes_in is None:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(**kwargs)
elif fig_in is None:
axes = axes_in
fig = axes.get_figure()
elif axes_in is None:
fig = fig_in
axes = fig.gca()
fig = fig_in
axes = axes_in
return fig, axes
def load_half_life(nuclide):
state = nuclide.split("_")[1]
nucid = nuclide.split("_")[0]
df_level = lc_pd_dataframe('fields=levels&nuclides=' + nucid )
half_life = str(df_level.query('idx=='+state).iloc[0]['half_life'])
if(half_life == 'nan' ):
return '?'
if ( half_life != 'STABLE'):
if(len(str(half_life)) > 6):
half_life = np.format_float_scientific(float(half_life)).replace('+0','+')
half_life = half_life + ' ' + df_level.query('idx=='+state).iloc[0]['unit_hl']
half_life = 'Stable'
return half_life
class Nuclide:
def __init__(
self, nuclide : str, decay_data: pd.DataFrame
) -> None:
self.decay_data = decay_data
self.nuclide = nuclide
self._mydata = decay_data.query("par_full_id=='" + nuclide + "'")
self._prefix = 'par'
self._mydata = decay_data.query("dau_full_id=='" + nuclide + "'")
self._prefix = 'dau'
self._mydata.sort_values(by='chain_br', ascending=True)
self.Z = self._mydata.iloc[0][self._prefix + '_z']
self.A = self._mydata.iloc[0][self._prefix + '_a']
self.state = self.nuclide.split("_")[1]
self.nucid = self.nuclide.split("_")[0]
self.id = nuclide
self.label = nuclide.replace('_0','')
self.label = re.sub('_+[\d]+', 'm', self.label)
self._half_life = None
def half_life(self, units: str = "s") -> str:
if(self._prefix == 'dau'): return 'Stable'
return self._mydata.iloc[0][self._prefix + '_half_life']
def half_life_hr(self, units: str = "s") -> str:
if(self._half_life == None):
self._half_life = load_half_life(self.nuclide)
return self._half_life
def progeny(self) -> List[str]:
return self._mydata['dau_full_id'].to_list()
def branching_fractions(self) -> List[float]:
return self._mydata['decay_br'].to_list()
def decay_modes(self) -> List[str]:
return self._mydata['dec_type'].to_list()
def plot(
label_pos: float = 0.5,
fig: Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure] = None,
axes: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None,
kwargs_draw: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
kwargs_edge_labels: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes]:
digraph, max_generation, max_xpos = _build_decay_digraph(self, nx.DiGraph())
positions = nx.get_node_attributes(digraph, "pos")
node_labels = nx.get_node_attributes(digraph, "label")
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(digraph, "label")
fig, axes = _check_fig_axes(
fig, axes, figsize=(3 * max_xpos + 1.5, 3 * max_generation + 1.5)
if kwargs_draw is None:
kwargs_draw = {}
if "node_size" not in kwargs_draw:
kwargs_draw["node_size"] = 6000
if "node_color" not in kwargs_draw:
kwargs_draw["node_color"] = "#FFFFFF"
if "edgecolors" not in kwargs_draw:
kwargs_draw["edgecolors"] = "#000000"
if kwargs_edge_labels is None:
kwargs_edge_labels = {}
if "font_size" not in kwargs_edge_labels:
kwargs_edge_labels["font_size"] = 12
if "bbox" not in kwargs_edge_labels:
kwargs_edge_labels["bbox"] = {
"boxstyle": None,
"ec": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
"fc": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
if "rotate" not in kwargs_edge_labels:
kwargs_edge_labels["rotate"] = False
axes.set_xlim(-0.3, max_xpos + 0.3)
axes.set_ylim(-max_generation - 0.3, 0.3)
return fig, axes
def _build_decay_digraph(
parent: Nuclide,
digraph: nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph,
) -> nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph:
generation_max_xpos = {0: 0}
dequeue = deque([parent.nuclide])
generations = deque([0])
xpositions = deque([0])
node_label = (
digraph.add_node(parent.nuclide, generation=0, xpos=0, label=node_label)
seen = {parent.nuclide}
while len(dequeue) > 0:
parent_name = dequeue.popleft()
generation = generations.popleft() + 1
xpos = xpositions.popleft()
if generation not in generation_max_xpos:
generation_max_xpos[generation] = -1
parent = Nuclide(parent_name, parent.decay_data)
progeny = parent.progeny()
branching_fractions = parent.branching_fractions()
decay_modes = parent.decay_modes()
xpos = max(xpos, generation_max_xpos[generation] + 1)
xcounter = 0
for idx, prog in enumerate(progeny):
if prog not in seen:
node_label = prog.replace('_0','')
node_label = re.sub('_+[\d]+', 'm', node_label)
if True: #prog in parent.decay_data.nuclide_dict:
#node_label += f"\n{parent.decay_data.half_life(prog, 'readable')}"
node_label += f"\n{load_half_life(prog):}"
#if np.isfinite(parent.decay_data.half_life(prog)):
if np.isfinite(parent.half_life()):
xpositions.append(xpos + xcounter)
if prog == "SF":
prog = parent.nuclide + "_SF"
xpos=xpos + xcounter,
if xpos + xcounter > generation_max_xpos[generation]:
generation_max_xpos[generation] = xpos + xcounter
xcounter += 1
edge_label = (
+ "\n"
+ str(branching_fractions[idx])
digraph.add_edge(parent.nuclide, prog, label=edge_label)
for node in digraph:
digraph.nodes[node]["pos"] = (
digraph.nodes[node]["generation"] * -1,
return digraph, max(generation_max_xpos), max(generation_max_xpos.values())
def _check_fig_axes( # type: ignore
fig_in: Optional[matplotlib.figure.Figure],
axes_in: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes],
) -> Tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes]:
if fig_in is None and axes_in is None:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(**kwargs)
elif fig_in is None:
axes = axes_in
fig = axes.get_figure()
elif axes_in is None:
fig = fig_in
axes = fig.gca()
fig = fig_in
axes = axes_in
return fig, axes
ancestor = '238U'
df_all = lc_pd_dataframe('fields=decay_chain&nuclides=' + ancestor)
nuc = Nuclide(ancestor+'_0',df_all)
fig = nuc.plot()[0]
#fig.savefig(ancestor+'.svg', format='svg')
nucid = '235U'
energies = []
intensities = []
labels = []
for r in ['a','g','x','bp','bm']:
try: df = lc_pd_dataframe('fields=decay_rads&nuclides=' + nucid + '&rad_types='+r).query('p_energy==0')
except: continue
# if beta, take the mean energy
energies.append(df.mean_energy if r.startswith('b') else df.energy)
intensities.append(df.intensity_beta if r.startswith('b') else df.intensity)
if (PLOTLY):
fig = go.Figure()
for e,i,l in zip(energies,intensities,labels):
l = 'Alpha' if l == 'a' else 'Gamma' if l == 'g' else 'X' if l =='x' else 'Beta'
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=e, y = i, mode="markers",name=l))
fig = display_fig(fig, nucid + " decay radiations", "Energy [keV]", "Intensity [%] ")
fig.update_layout(legend = dict(orientation='h',yanchor='top',y=0.99,xanchor='left',x=0.01))
for e,i,l in zip(energies,intensities,labels):
plt.scatter(e, i, label = l)
radiation_type = 'g'
. Allowed values are: a, bp,
bm, x
The summing over all links (decays) leading to a give nuclide will be shown in a further example
The function could be generalised by looping an all radiation types to find the best radiation for each
# using plotly might take too much resources
PLOTLY = False
storage = {}
storage_by_dau = {}
# start from
start_nucid = '99MO'#'233U' # '135I' # '99MO'#
delta_t = minutes
tot_intervals = 4000
# cut-off for irrelevant decay chains
branching_ratio_threshold = "1.E-9"
# radiation type to be analysed
radiation_type = 'g'
# radiation energy-range of interest (keV)
energy_low = 0
energy_up = 10000
process_nuclide(start_nucid, True , storage , storage_by_dau)
Normalization check 1.00000248 3 chains * 99MO -> 99TCm -> 99RU Branching ratio 3.248e-05 * 99MO -> 99TCm -> 99TC -> 99RU Branching ratio 0.87777 * 99MO -> 99TC -> 99RU Branching ratio 0.1222 * 99MO -> 99TCm -> 99TC -> 99RU Branching ratio 0.87777
* 99MO -> 99TC -> 99RU Branching ratio 0.1222
* 99MO -> 99TCm -> 99RU Branching ratio 3.248e-05
It uses the dictionary storage
previously filled
fig_a = go.Figure()
fig_b = go.Figure()
for k in storage.keys():
if(k=='times'): continue
lbl = k.replace('_0','')
lbl = re.sub('_+[\d]+', 'm', lbl)
fig_a.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=storage['times'], y = storage[k]['bateman'], mode="lines",name=lbl))
fig_b.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=storage['times'], y = storage[k]['intensities'], mode="lines",name=lbl + ' ' + str(storage[k]['energy']) + ' keV'))
display_fig(fig_a, "Bateman solution",time_label(delta_t), "Atoms per 1 ancestor").show()
display_fig(fig_b, "Most intense lines for each parents' decay",time_label(delta_t),"Counts per 100 ancestor").show()
for k in storage.keys():
if(k=='times'): continue
plt.scatter(storage['times'],storage[k]['bateman'], label = k)
for k in storage.keys():
if(k=='times'): continue
plt.scatter(storage['times'],storage[k]['intensities'], label = k + ' ' + str(storage[k]['energy']) + ' keV' )
The storage
and storage_by_dau
dictionaries stores the sum of the most intense
photon by parent and bt daughter, respectively
One can change the radiation type by setting a different radiation_type
in the Decay Chain
Analysis cell
print('\nTotal by parent')
plt.plot(storage['times'], storage['99TC_0']['intensities'])
plt.title('Tc-99 -> Ru-99 gamma ' + str(storage['99TC_0']['energy']) + ' keV',fontsize = 20)
plt.ylabel('Counts per 1 decay of Mo-99')
Total by parent
print('\nTotal by daughter')
plt.plot(storage['times'], storage_by_dau['99RU_0']['intensities'])
plt.title('Total Ru-99 gamma ' + str(storage_by_dau['99RU_0']['energy']) + ' keV',fontsize = 20)
plt.ylabel('Counts per 1 decay of Mo-99')
fig1 = plt.gcf()
#fig1.savefig("Sum.svg" , format="svg")
Total by daughter
Population Ratio
This is a tentative way to infer the population ratio between two radioactive nuclides, that were mixed and left decaying
I choose more or less randomly Sn-135 and Mo-99. Run the previous 'decay chain analysis' case for each of the two ancestors and choose a suitable nuclide characterising the chain, as well as a suitable time interval
Then calculate the ratio of the most intense lines for a given intial ratio. Matching with the observed value gives the time of inital mixing. Varying the initial ratio gives a two dimensional surface of allowed time/mixing.
Below, only the case for a given mixing is produced
radiation_type = 'g'
delta_t = minutes
tot_intervals = 500
# large energy range for the analisys
energy_low = 0
energy_up = 5000
# the data storages
storage_a_par = {}
storage_a_dau = {}
ancestor_a = '135SN'
daughter_a = '135XE_0'
# process the chain until daughter_a
process_nuclide(ancestor_a, False, storage_a_par, storage_a_dau)
# repeat for the other ancestor
storage_b_par = {}
storage_b_dau = {}
ancestor_b = '99MO'
daughter_b = '99TC_2'
process_nuclide(ancestor_b, False, storage_b_par, storage_b_dau)
# set an initial ratio for the ancestors
ratio = 0.5
int_a = [x * (1.-ratio) for x in storage_a_dau[daughter_a]['intensities'] ]
int_b = [x * ratio for x in storage_b_dau[daughter_b]['intensities'] ]
res = []
for i in range(len(int_a)):
if (i==0 or int_b[i] == 0):
res.append(int_a[i]/ int_b[i] )
plt.plot(storage_a_par['times'], int_b)
plt.plot(storage_a_par['times'], int_a)
print('Count ratio ' + daughter_a + ' / '+ daughter_b)
plt.plot(storage_a_par['times'], res)
Normalization check 0.99999925 3 chains * 135SN -> 135SB -> 135TE -> 135I -> 135XEm -> 135CS -> 135BA Branching ratio 0.00099425 * 135SN -> 135SB -> 135TE -> 135I -> 135XEm -> 135XE -> 135CS -> 135BA Branching ratio 0.164713 * 135SN -> 135SB -> 135TE -> 135I -> 135XE -> 135CS -> 135BA Branching ratio 0.834292 * 135SN -> 135SB -> 135TE -> 135I -> 135XE -> 135CS -> 135BA Branching ratio 0.834292 * 135SN -> 135SB -> 135TE -> 135I -> 135XEm -> 135XE -> 135CS -> 135BA Branching ratio 0.164713 * 135SN -> 135SB -> 135TE -> 135I -> 135XEm -> 135CS -> 135BA Branching ratio 0.00099425 Normalization check 1.00000248 3 chains * 99MO -> 99TCm -> 99RU Branching ratio 3.248e-05 * 99MO -> 99TCm -> 99TC -> 99RU Branching ratio 0.87777 * 99MO -> 99TC -> 99RU Branching ratio 0.1222 * 99MO -> 99TCm -> 99TC -> 99RU Branching ratio 0.87777 * 99MO -> 99TC -> 99RU Branching ratio 0.1222 * 99MO -> 99TCm -> 99RU Branching ratio 3.248e-05
Count ratio 135XE_0 / 99TC_2
Energy flow in a decay chain
The first picture is a 3D plot having Z and N as X and Y axis, like in a chart of nuclides, whilst on the
Z there is the total energy of the decaying level,
this energy is the Atomic Mass in keV, plus the level's energy (0 for GS)
The second picture is a 2D plot with T1/2 on the X, and energy on the Y
from random import randrange
MICRO_AMU_IN_KEV = 931494.10242 /1E6
fig = go.Figure()
fig3d = go.Figure()
start_nucid = '99mo'
#u9mo' #'238U'#'99mo''135I'#
df_all = lc_pd_dataframe('fields=decay_chain&nuclides='+start_nucid)
df_ends = df_all.query("dau_half_life==-1").sort_values(by='chain_br',ascending=False)
k = 0
def color(k):
return 'rgb(' + str(randrange(255)) +',' + str(randrange(255)) +',' +str(randrange(255)) +')'
l_type = ['solid','solid','dash']
widths = [12,6,4]
for index, chain in df_ends.iterrows():
ancestor_nucids = chain['ancestor_full_ids'].split(' ')
ancestor_idxs = chain['ancestor_idxs'].split(' ')
energies = []
half_lives = []
z = []
n = []
txt = []
for i, aidx in enumerate(ancestor_idxs):
dm = ancestor_nucids[i].split('_')
nuc_id = dm[0]
lev_idx = dm[1]
df_nuc = lc_pd_dataframe('fields=ground_states&nuclides='+nuc_id)
df_link = df_all.query('idx=='+ aidx)
if(not df_link.empty):
energy = df_nuc.iloc[0]['atomic_mass'] * MICRO_AMU_IN_KEV
txt.append(df_nuc.iloc[0]['symbol'] + str(df_nuc.iloc[0]['z'] + df_nuc.iloc[0]['n'] ) + ('m'if int(lev_idx)>0 else '') )
df_lev = lc_pd_dataframe('fields=levels&nuclides='+nuc_id).query('idx=='+lev_idx)
energy = energy + df_lev.iloc[0]['energy']
df_nuc = lc_pd_dataframe('fields=ground_states&nuclides='+chain['dau_nucid'])
energies.append(df_nuc.iloc[0]['atomic_mass'] * MICRO_AMU_IN_KEV)
for i, hl in enumerate(half_lives):
if(i==0): continue
half_lives[i] = half_lives[i-1] + half_lives[i]
e0 = energies[-1]
energies = [energies[i[0]]-e0 for i in enumerate(energies)]
half_lives.insert(0, 0.01)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=half_lives, y=energies, mode="markers+lines", name=chain['chain_br'], line=dict( width= widths[k],color=color(k),dash=l_type[k])))
text = txt,
line=dict( width= widths[k],color=color(k),dash=l_type[k])
k = k+1
if(k>2): k=1
camera = dict(
xaxis = dict( title='N'),
yaxis = dict( title='Z'),
zaxis = dict( title='Energy [keV]'),
eye_camera = dict(
eye=dict(x=-2, y=-0.5, z=0.5)
fig3d.update_layout(scene=camera,scene_camera=eye_camera, margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0), height=900)
#fig.update_layout( plot_bgcolor="white")
fig.update_layout( title="Energy decrease")
fig.update_xaxes(title_text='Time [s]')
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Energy [keV]")
99MO -> 99TCm -> 99TC -> 99RU Branching ratio 0.87777 99MO -> 99TC -> 99RU Branching ratio 0.1222 99MO -> 99TCm -> 99RU Branching ratio 3.248e-05